Projects & Volunteering

Are you looking for a way to address a need in your local community, or to help with a cause close to your heart elsewhere in the world? Chances are that there’s a project underway that could benefit from your assistance. If you know of a need that isn’t being met, the wider Rotary network may be the ideal vehicle to be able to take meaningful action. Rotary Action Groups provide technical expertise and support to find partners, funding, and other resources.

Each Rotary and Rotaract club here in the South Pacific Region has its own suite of projects that it manages, locally and internationally, which relate to the needs in the local community and the interests and skills of club members and their networks. Many clubs work together to undertake larger projects and programs, with a number of causes (such as working to End Polio Now) seeing massive change happen thanks to millions of people uniting to do good in the world.

Volunteer on a Project

There are many ways you can volunteer. Join us to help with planning and implementing, connecting resources, providing funds, or hands-on work.

We couldn’t list all the projects that local Rotarians and Rotaractors in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands are currently involved with. We offer a broad range of humanitarian, environmental, intercultural and educational projects. You can find a wide selection at the Service Project Centre.  The list below contains some of the more significant projects currently happening in the South Pacific Region:

Rotary Says No to Domestic Violence

Violence against women starts with disrespectful behaviour. This regional campaign aims to stop this behaviour at the start. Rotarians and Rotaractors raise awareness of Domestic and Family Violence, with the Purple Friday campaign and annual Walk for Respect.  We also educate young people on respectful relationships through the Love Bites program.

Disaster Relief
With Rotarians and Rotaractors on the ground in their local communities in over 200 countries, we are well positioned to help with disaster relief efforts.  From immediate responses helping with shelter and essentials to long term rebuilding, we assist with manpower, funding, and goods and services. Rotarians have instituted programs such as Shelter Box (with affiliates in Australia and New Zealand) and Disaster Aid Australia. We also provide appeals and other disaster relief efforts through RAWCS and RNZWCS.
Youth Programs
We organise a variety of camps, clubs, exchanges and other regular events and programs to help enrich the education of our youth and develop their sense of citizenship and leadership. There are opportunities to mentor young people, host exchange students, and coordinate or volunteer at events. Some Rotary programs that are now run globally originated here in the South Pacific region.