Regional Council
About the Rotary South Pacific Regional Council
For the duration of the pilot, districts will remain, and governors will continue to support clubs, but certain functions will gradually be transferred from districts to the regional structure.

Meet the Rotary South Pacific Regional Council
The Regional Council includes Portfolio Chairs who are accountable for outcomes in six portfolio areas

Chair: Dallas Booth

Chair Elect: Tony Heyward

Treasurer: David Carruthers

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Portfolio Lead: Edith Chaney

Learning & Development Portfolio Lead: PDG Euan Miller

Major Fundraising & Grants Portfolio Lead: Dr Peter Rogers AM

Membership Portfolio Lead: PDG Andy Rajapakse

Public Image & Partnerships Portfolio Lead:

Service Projects & Programs Portfolio Lead: Vacant

Corporate & Administration Lead: Alan Eyes

Rotaract Nominee: Eeshwar Rajagopalan